Art & Mixed-Reality

Mix figuration is a global collective of artists who create mixed-reality artwork that blur the lines between reality and virtuality. They explore new and innovative forms of digital art, including immersive installations, virtual galleries, interactive experiences, and collaborative projects. Their work challenges our understanding of what is real and what is not.

We are currently moving from the internet age towards  the “Augmented Age”, a three-dimensional version of the internet that can be appreciated through immersive experiences mediated by the rise of extended reality technologies. The immersive experiences may be situated in entire virtual realities that detach users from their real-world surrounding or can be mixed realities in which digital content is superimposed onto our analogue real-world environment.


Bill Smith

Riga, Lettonia

Katerina Blackwood

New-York, USA

John Doe

Geneva, Switzerland


Tile with double width and height

Creative Project – Slider

Single Project – Image

Single Project – Slider

Tile with double height

Single Project – Video


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